Beau Rivage Designs In Wood

Proudly Made in the U.S.A. God Bless America

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Beau Rivage Designs In Wood

Meet Beau

Beau in his shop

Beau is my nickname.  I was born in
upstate New York in the town of Massena.
Today I live in Lake Worth, Florida.

At 17, I joined the U.S. Navy and served as
a Boatswain's Mate on an ocean going
tugboat, the USS Seneca AtF91.  I was on
active duty aboard the Seneca as part of
the Cuban Blockade during the Cuban
Missile Crisis under the watch of President John F. Kennedy. 

Because of health problems, I was faced with early retirement. I thoroughly enjoy
working with wood.  Each work displayed is individually created and completed by me.  

My woodturnings and wood craft creations are an extension of me.   Each piece of
wood has its own mystery and surprise.  There is a spirit of the natural wood that I
look forward to bringing out. Truthfully, it is difficult to part with each piece I create.
However, it is a blessing for me to know that when one is purchased that
you also will find its spirit. 

I am pleased to be represented also on the Lighting Art 2000 web site

Much thanks to my dear friend, J. Duffin for creating this web site for me.

I wish to dedicate this song to my Mother from her loving daughters and sons. Also,
to all the police officers, firemen, civilian volunteers, 9/11 survivor families,
and the men and women who serve now and or have
served in our Armed Forces.

You are the "Wind Beneath 'Our' Wings"

      God bless the U.S.A.
      Beau Rivage Designs In Wood


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